War in the Pacific National Historical Park (WAPA) was established on August 18, 1978 to commemorate the bravery and sacrifice of those participating in the campaigns of the Pacific Theater of World War II, and to conserve and interpret outstanding natural, scenic, and historic values and objects on the island of Guam.
This unique National Park is the only site in the National Park System (375) that honors all people from all nations who participated in the Pacific War. This involves not only the United States and Japan, but includes Australia, Canada, China, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the Soviet Union.
At War in the Pacific NHP, the battlefields, trenches, gun emplacements and historic structures all serve as reminders of the bloody battles that ensued on the Island of Guam, over 55 years ago. As a National Park unit, these unique resources will be preserved for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations.
Watch out for torpedoes!
Let's take a look at some of the Japanese "souvenirs" in and near the park.A Japanese Pill Box, Gaan Point, Agat
Japanese guns, Gun Beach, Tumon
Japanese cave located in Latte Stone Park
Another Japanese Pill Box, Apaca Point, Agat
Japanese POW Steps, Naval Station. Japanese POW's were assigned various masonry and stone work. They built these steps, which remain in prime condition. We have one more thing to see which is very poignant.
This is the War Dog Memorial, honoring the Dobermans that served with the Marines in 1944. Twenty-five of these brave dogs were killed in action and are buried in Guam. Well, this has been a great day. We've seen a lot, but I think it's time we move along. Just give the Chevy a good hard kick (oops! I mean click) and we're off.